When is good enough, good enough?

 At work today, we were discussing centralizing our operational documentation so that everything was in one place. I stressed the fact that it didn't matter what platform we used, as long as it was applied consistently and everyone used the same system together. In our particular case, this meant using a slightly older technology because the key people involved had lots of experience with it and they would be able to simply continue using it with little change. We didn't need all of the great bells and whistles provided by the newer platforms available.

I realized that I needed to take this same advice to heart and apply it to myself. A while ago, I had switched to static blog generators to create a set of web pages to put on my GitHub Pages site. In theory, this idea meant that I would have much more control over my blog, but it also introduced several extra steps to the process of getting things written down and published to the Internet. And like most people, each extra step dragged down my productivity way out of proportion to what you might think. The old saying is that perfect is the enemy of good, or in my case good enough. While trying to get the perfect layout and look with a static site, I ended up going through several generators and I was not getting any actual writing done. This is just silly. So, here I am again, back at a basic blog engine. This way, I can get actual content out of my rusty old brain and out into the world, where other people can learn from my mistakes, and occassional flashes of brilliance.

The Amiga Workbench

The Amiga always held a bit of a mythological spot in my heart due to my exposure early in my computing experience. But, I never got a chance to own one of my own. Well, now I can play with one in my browser. The site http://taws.ch/WB.html lets you boot up one of several versions of the Amiga Workbench environment and use it from within any modern browser.

Calculator nonsense

Along with republishing (with updates) my older articles from Linux Journal, I am planning on posting items on using HP and TI calculators. There are several scientific problems that can be coded up on all of these machines, and I think it would be kind of cool to share those with other like-minded people into older tech.

Maximum Theory with maxima

First published in Linux Journal

Last month we looked at using scilab to analyze the results of an experiment. In the specific case, we were looking at a pendulum and seeing how it behaved with different lengths and weights. In science, there is usually some theory being tested with an experiment. This month, we'll look at how to use maxima to help us derive the equations describing the motion of a pendulum.

First, what is maxima? Maxima is a calculating engine. It runs on the console. However, there are several GUI front-ends for it. For example, wxMaxima. Maxima and its GUIs should be available for your distribution. If not, you can find the source code at the main web site (http://maxima.sourceforge.com).

To start maxima on the command line, it's as simple as running "maxima". You should get some licensinf information, then get dumped at a prompt.

To get a GUI, you would run "wxmaxima".

Maxima runs as a continuous session, much like you would have in Maple or Mathematica. In order to end your session and exit the program, you would execute the "quit();" command. Notice that commands within maxima end with a semi-colon. Anyone used to coding in C should be used to this. If you end a command with a "$" instead, the output from that command will not be displayed.

Sometimes, you may run a command in maxima and not realize just how long it will take to finish. If you run into something like this, you can stop execution by entering ctrl-C. Like in bash, ctrl-C stops execution of the currently running command. Because this is a forced stop, you will get an error message like

Don't worry about following up on the details of this error message unless you suspect that there is something deeper happening. Maxima also contains help files for all of its builtin functions. To see detailed information about a function, you simply need to execute "? command" to get a help page on the given command. For most commands and functions, you should get some examples as well.

When you first start maxima, the prompt is simply
Every input line is labeled in a similar fashion, with the numbers incrementing. So the following input prompts would be "%i2", "%i3", "%i4", and so on. The output from commands are displayed immediately following the command, and are labeled with tags of the form "%o1", "%o2", "%o3", and so on. These behave the same as variables in maxima. This means that you can refer to earlier commands, or their results, by simply using the label. If you wanted to rerun the very first command you ran in this session, you would simply execute "%i1;" There are shortcuts for the last command and the last result. For the last command, you simply type in two single quotes (''). For the last computed result, you can type in a single percent sign (%). The percent sign also marks special, built-in values. For example, %e (natural log base), %i (square root of -1) or %pi (3.14159...).

Maxima can handle arithmetic very easily. The most common arithemtic operations are
   +         addition
   -         subtraction
   *         scalar multiplication
   /         division
   ^ or **   exponentiation
   .         matrix multiplication
   sqrt(x)   square root of x
You can apply these to both numbers and variables. Arithmetic is done exactly, whenever possible. This means that things like fractions are kept as fractions until you explicitly ask for a numeric result. So you see behaviour like
   (%i1) 1/100 + 1/101;
   (%o2)             201

Variables are easy to use in maxima. They are simply alphanumeric strings. Assigning a value to a vriable is done with the colon character. For example, if you wanted to find the square of a number, you could use
   (%i1) x: 2;
   (%o1)             2
   (%i2) x^2;
   (%o2)             4
You can also assign more complex functions to a variable. For example,
   (%i3) w: sin(0.5 * %pi);
   (%o3)            sin(0.5 %pi)
   (%i4) w^2;
   (%o4)            sin^2(0.5 %pi)
In certain cases, maxima will leave results in a partly computed state. If you want to force maxima to give you a number, you can add ", numer" to the end of your command. So, for the above, you would type in
   (%i5) %o4, numer;
   (%o5)             1

This use of "numer" will give you 16 significant figures, but maxima can handle arbitrarily large numbers. The function bfloat will convert your result to a numeric representation. The number of significant figures used by bfloat is set by the variable fpprec (the default is 16). As an example of really large numbers, you could try
   (%i1) %pi;
   (%o1)                                 %pi
   (%i2) %pi, numer;
   (%o2)                          3.141592653589793
   (%i3) bfloat(%pi);
   (%o3)                         3.141592653589793b0
   (%i4) fpprec: 100;
   (%o4)                                 100
   (%i5) bfloat(%pi);
   (%o5) 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164\

The last item we will need for figuring out what theory says we should get for a pendulum is algebra. Maxima handles this very easily. The expand function can be used to expand a polynomial. For example:
   (%i1) (x + 3*y + z)^2;
   (%o1)                           (z + 3 y + x)
   (%i2) expand(%);
                        2                      2            2
   (%o2)               z  + 6 y z + 2 x z + 9 y  + 6 x y + x
You can do a variable replacement very easily with
   (%i3) %o2, x=5/z;
                          2           30 y   25      2
   (%o3)                 z  + 6 y z + ---- + -- + 9 y  + 10
                                       z      2
If you want to figure out the factors for the above example, you can use
   (%i4) factor(%);
                                    2             2
                                  (z  + 3 y z + 5)
   (%o4)                          -----------------
The last set of algebra functions that you might need are "trigexpand" and "trigreduce". These do the same kind of function as "expand" and "factor". The function "trigexpand" uses the sum of angles formulas to make the argument of each trigonometric function as simple as possible. "trigreduce" does the opposite and tries to make the expression such that it is a sum of terms with only one sin or cos function in each term.

Now, we should have enough to use maxima and figure out what we should have found last month with the pendulum. The only force that is applied to a pendulum is gravity, constantly trying to pull the pendulum straight down. This is called a restoring force and is
   F = -mg sin(O)
where m is the mass of the pendulum bob, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and O is the angle the string makes with perpendicular pointing straight down. The sin function is a bit difficult to work with, so we should look at what we can replace it with. If we do a Taylor expansion of sin, we get
   (%i2) taylor(sin(x),[x],0,5);
                                     3    5
                                    x    x
   (%o2)/T/                     x - -- + --- + . . .
                                    6    120
From this, we can see that we can probably replace the sin function with just O, as long as this angle isn't too big. This will give us
   F = -mgO
If the angle O is measured in radians, then it is equal to x/L, where x is the actual amount of the arc that the pendulum bob travels along, and L is the length of the pendulum string. Once we do this, we've essentially minimized the nonlinear part to the point were we can treat the pendulum as a simple harmonic motion, with the force constant of (mg/L). If we plug this into the equation for harmonic motion, we get the time for an oscillation given by 2*pi*sqrt(L/g). In a maxima session, this would look like

We can see that we get a result from theory that is really close to what we actually measured.

In the upcoming months, we'll look at many of the other abilities that maxima has, including advanced algebra, calculus, and even plotting. Until then, go out and do some science of your own.

Using terminalide in another terminal emulator

It took a little experimenting, but I finally figured it out. While terminalide does come with a terminal emulator of its own, there are several others available. The one I like to use is AirTerm, as it floats over other apps on my tablet. To do this, you need to open the settings for AirTerm and go to the section for the initial command run. Here, you need to put

su 10102 -c /data/data/com.spartacusrex.spartacuside/files/termied.sh

The number "10102" is the user ID that the terminalide files are installed under. Also, this will only work if you have root access, otherwise the "su 10102" part will fail.

Mac / Linux cross-development

Mac has always been the default alternative to Wintel systems. In the past, the Mac OS has been a fairly unique entity, without too much in common with the other OSes around, like Windows or the Unix variants. Cross-platform work has always been a bit more convoluted.
With the advent of the latest incarnation of the Mac OSX, or Darwin, we've got an alternative that is very comfortable for Linux geeks. Since Darwin is based on BSD Unix, we now have the possibility of using POSIX compliant applications on the Mac. This article will cover using Linux apps on a Mac, and some of the issues in running Mac apps on Linux. We'll also take a look at using the Mac as a development environment, developing applications that will end up on Linux.
Running Linux Code on Mac OSX
Apple provides a package called Xcode on their developer site. This packages gives you the tools you need to compile programs on the Mac. This includes a nice graphical IDE and lots of examples for developing your own applications for OSX. But that is not the only thing you can do. Xcode is based on the GNU toolset, providing tools like gcc, libtool, make, etc. This means that using Xcode, most command line applications can be compiled and run on the Mac. So our simple little hello world program

   #include <stdio.h>
   #include <stdlib.h>
   int main (int argc, char **argv) {
      printf("Hello World\n");
compiles fine with gcc, giving us an executable which prints out "Hello World" on the command line. Basically, anything that is POSIX compliant should compile and run with no issues.
The process of getting graphical programs to run can be a bit more involved. Mac OSX does provide an X11 server, and all of the standard development libraries that you would need for a purely X11 application, like Xlib. However, none of the other standard libraries, like gtk or Qt, are available by default. You are responsible for getting them downloaded, compiled and installed on your system yourself. In this sense, it's a lot like the Linux From Scratch project. This works fairly well, but you do have to pick the correct configuration options, and collect all of the required dependencies. However, there's no reason why you need to go through this much pain. There are two projects in active development which provide some form of package management for GNU software, Fink and MacPorts. Using these, getting and installing GNU software is made as easy as most Linux distro.
The Fink project started in 2001. Fink is based on the Debian package management system. This means that you can use the Debian package tools like dpkg, dselect and apt-get. This makes it familiar for users of Debian-based distros, like Debian or Ubuntu. Once the base installation is done, you can start to install packages. If you like a text based manager, you can use dselect . If you like a graphical manager instead, you can use the command
sudo apt-get install synaptic
to get synaptic
 Using these applications, we can install many of the packages that we are used to in Linux. The package count, as of the writing of this article, is 10872. Not all packages are available as a binary install using these tools. For this class of packages, fink will install them directly from source, compiling and installing on your Mac. So, for example, if you wanted to install gramps and get some genealogy done, you would simply execute
sudo fink install gramps
Even installing from source, fink deals well with the dependency issues since it is still based on the Debian package management system.
The Mac Ports project started in 2002. This project decided to model itself after the BSD port packaging system. This means that you use the command port to manage the packages on your system. Once you have done the base install, you can install other software packages by simply running the command
sudo port install stellarium
There are several graphical interfaces available, as well, such as Porticus. However, they tend to be independent projects, as opposed to the Debian tools available in Fink. As such, their development cycle and behavior tend to be a bit more erratic and unstable then the older and more mature Debian tools. But still, they may be exactly what your are looking for if you prefer a graphical interface. Like the Fink project, it has both binary packages and source packages available. There are 5829 packages available in the Mac Ports project, and it is growing constantly.
Both projects provide the user with access to the full wealth of open source applications that has been available to Linux users, and the number of packages available continues to grow. This further blurs the line between what makes an OS. If the only difference between Mac OSX and, say Debian, is the kernel and maybe the GUI, are they effectively the same OS? I won't pretend to have an answer, but I think that we may have to start opening our ideas of what constitutes an OS.
Once you have one, or both, of these projects installed (they can peacefully coexist on your system) you will have all of the tools necessary to do your own code development. I have used anjuta
 on my MacBook to develop some small Gnome applications. These compile and run equally well on my MacBook, and my netbook running Ubuntu. While there isn't binary compatibility between OSX and Linux, with source compatibility we can essentially run the same code on both machines.
Running Mac OSX on Linux
This is not as easy as running Linux on Mac OSX. The real stumbling block is the graphical interface in the Mac OS. This is the area where Apple have been very secretive and proprietary. The graphical interface is based on a software technology called Quartz. While the kernel and most of the command line tools have been released as open source software, Quartz is still very closed. As of the writing of this article, I could not find any references to a reverse-engineered open source replacement for Quartz. So the only option available is running OSX inside a virtual machine. While this is not technically running Mac applications on Linux, it does provide the ability of running OSX on a Linux box.
Using the links and information in this article, user who straddle the Linux / Mac divide can narrow that gap a considerable amount. With projects like Fink and MacPorts, Linux users have access to the full spread of GNU and other open source software. As well, the Mac makes a good development environment, allowing a user to develop code that will run on both Linux and OSX. Hopefully, you will explore the possibilities and shrink the divide a little more.
  • http://developer.apple.com
  • http://www.opensource.apple.com
  • http://www.finkproject.org
  • http://www.macports.org

What Hardware Do I Have?

There are many cases where you may not necessarily know what kind of hardware you have. You may have bought a no-name box from a smaller company. Or you may have bought a used machine. In any case you may not know what you have for hardware. This month we'll look at tools you can use to find out what you have installed.

The first tool to look at is lshw. This utility LiSts HardWare (lshw). If you run it as a regular user it will actually warn you to run it as root. So go ahead and run "sudo lshw". You should now see screens of information for your system. The first section will be general information, and should look something like

description: Notebook
product: 700
vendor: ASUSTeK Computer INC.
version: 0129
serial: EeePC-1234567890
width: 32 bits
capabilities: smbios-2.5 dmi-2.5 smp-1.4 smp
configuration: boot=normal chassis=notebook cpus=1 uuid=XXXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX

This is what I get when I run it on my little Asus EeePC. So right away we can find out the manufacturer of this little beast (ASUSTeK), the BIOS version (0129), and the fact that it is a 32-bit machine with one CPU. There is more information broken down into the following categories

firmware - motherboard and BIOS information
cpu - CPU information
cache - cache information
memory - memory information
bank - specific bank memory information
pci - PCI bus information
display - PCI diplay adapter
multimedia - PCI audio adapter
pci - other PCI devices
network - PCI network adapter
usb - USB devices
ide - IDE information
disk - individual disks
volume - volumes on this disk

If we look at the section describing main memory, we get on my EeePC

description: System Memory
physical id: 1f
slot: System board or motherboard
size: 512MiB
description: DIMM DDR2 Synchronous 400 MHz (2.5 ns)
product: PartNum0
vendor: Manufacturer0
physical id: 0
serial: SerNum0
slot: DIMM0
size: 512MiB
width: 64 bits
clock: 400MHz (2.5ns)

we can get an idea of how much information is available.

This utility is kind of an all in one tool that spits out everything on your system in one go. But what if you want information only about specific subsystems in your machine. There is an entire suite of utilities you can use for this. These might be more useful when you want some specific piece of information, or you want to do some system querying in a script.

The first thing you may want to look at is the CPU. The utility lscpu will give you output similar to

Architecture: i686
CPU op-mode(s): 32-bit
CPU(s): 1
Thread(s) per core: 1
Core(s) per socket: 1
CPU socket(s): 1
Vendor ID: GenuineIntel
CPU family: 6
Model: 13
Stepping: 8
CPU MHz: 571.427

From this, you can find out the manufacturer, whether it is 32-bit or 64-bit, the exact version and model, as well as the current CPU frequency.

If you want to find out whether your video card is supported by X11, or whether you'll need to go and find a third-party driver, you can use lspci. This utility will give you a list of all of the devices plugged into you PCI bus. The output will look something like

00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 915GM/GMS/910GML Express Graphics Controller (rev 04)
00:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 915GM/GMS/910GML Express Graphics Controller (rev 04)

With this information we can see that the video controller in my EeePC is an Intel controller. So, if you wanted to, you could now hit Google with this information to learn about your video card and how best to configure it. If you want to see what USB devices are on your system, you can use lsusb. On my EeePC I have an SD card installed, and it shows up as

Bus 001 Device 002: ID 0951:1606 Kingston Technology

The last piece of hardware we'll look at is the disk subsystem. You can find out what you have on your system with the utility blkid. This utility will print out all of the filesystems available to you, with an output format of


With this utility, you can find out what devices are available and what filesystems are being used on them. The associated UUID's are also available, in case you want to use them in the entries in /etc/fstab.

Now that we know what kind of hardware we have on our system, the last thig to check is to see if our kernel is actually using this available hardware. On most modern distributions, the kernel is compiled to use modules. You can check to see which modules are loaded by using the command lsmod. We get a list that looks like

agpgart 31788 2 drm,intel_agp
lp 7028 0
video 17375 1 i915
output 1871 1 video

We can see that the agpgart modules has a size of 31788 bytes, and is used by the drm and intel_agp modules.

Now that you know what you have installed for hardware, you can hopefully get it all configured and optimized so that you get the most out of it. If you find other utilites that aren't covered here, I would love to hear about them.