Comparing Files

There are many times when you wish to know what has happened to a
file. You may be interested in comparing one version of a file to an
earlier one. Or you may need to check one file against a reference
file. Linux provides several tools for doing this, depending on how
deep a comparison you need to make.

The most common task involves comparing two text files. The tool of
choice for this task is diff. With diff, you can compare two files,
line by line. By default, diff will notice any differences between the
two text files, no matter how small. This could be as simple as a
space character being changed into a tab character from one file to
the next. The file will look the same to a user, but diff will find
that difference. The real power of diff comes from the options
available to ignore certain kinds of differences between files. In the
above example, you could ignore that change from a space character to
a tab character by using the option "-b" or
"--ignore-space-change". This option tells diff to ignore any
differences in the amount of whitespace from one file to the next. But
what about blank lines? The option "-B" or "--ignore-blank-lines"
tells diff to ignore any changes in the numbers of blank lines from
one file to the next. In this way, diff will effectively be only
looking at the actual characters and comparing them from one file to
the next. You have essentially narrowed the focus of diff to the
actual content.

What if that is not good enough for your situation? You may be
comparing files where one was entered with all capitals on, for some
reason. Maybe the terminal being used was misconfigured. In any case,
you may not want diff to report simple differences in case as "real"
differences. In this case, you can use the option "-i" or "--ignore-case".

What if you have files from a Windows box that you are working with?
Everyone who works on both Linux and Windows has run into the issue
with line endings on text files. Linux expects only a single newline
character while Windows uses a carriage return and a newline
character. diff can be told to ignore this with the option

The output from diff can take a few different formats. The default
output contains the line which is different, along with a number of
lines just before and just after the line in question. These extra
lines are called context, and can be set with the option "-c", "-C" or
"--context=" and a number of lines to use for context. This default
output can be used by the program patch to change one file into the
other. In this way, you can create source code patches to upgrade code
from one version to the next. diff will also output differences
between files that can be used by ed as a script by using the option
"-e" or "--ed". diff will also output an RCS format diff by using the
option "-n" or "--rcs". The other option is to print out the
differences in two columns, side by side. The option "-y" or
"--side-by-side" will let you see each file side by side with the
differences between them highlighted.

The utility diff only compares two files. What if you need to compare
three files and see what changes exist moving from one to the others?
The utility diff3 comes to the rescue. This utility compares three
files and prints out the diff statements. Again, you can use the "-e"
option to print out a script suitable for the editor ed.

But what if you simply want to see two files and how they differ?
Another utility might be just what you are looking for, comm. With no
other options, comm takes two files and prints out three columns. The
first column contains lines unique to the first file, the second
column contains lines unique to the second file and the third column
contains lines common to both files. You can selectively suppress each
of these columns with the options "-1", "-2" and "-3". They suppress
columns 1, 2 or 3, respectively.

While this works great for text files, what if you need to compare two
binary files? You need some way to compare each and every byte in each
file. The utility that can be used for this is called cmp. It does a
byte by byte comparison of two files. The default output is a print
out of which byte and which line contains the difference. If you are
interested in seeing what the byte values are, you can use the option
"-b". The "-l" option gives even more detail, printing out the byte
count and the byte value from the two files.

Using these utilities, you can start to get a better handle on how
your files are changing. Here's hoping you keep control of you files.